Dear ,

It has come to my attention you've applied for a job with the title of on your CV.

Do you think it actually excites potential employers to see a candidate advertising themselves as a ?

Are you so desperate to stand out that the only way you can "spice" up your CV is to pretend that your skill set involves ?

(Sounds pretty dumb, right?)

If you're really passionate and love what you do, then make your CV and/or portfolio communicate that. Focus on what you love and what you're good at.

If you are having trouble getting employers reading your CV, then perhaps ask for some feedback on it from colleagues, friends or even places where you applied but didn't get a response.

If you're worried about not having enough skills or experience, then get out and work on them! Read blogs, read books, meet people and network. More than anything it's people who can open doors to opportunities you'd never see coming.

It's your personality, skills, experience and drive that employers are interested in. Not made-up titles.

a potential employer who this time won't be hiring you.

It has come to my attention you're seeking a who specializes in .

Do you think it actually excites potential candidates to see a job advertised as a ?

Is the role actually so dire and boring that the only way you can "spice" it up is to pretend that the job involves ?

(Sounds pretty dumb, right?)

You're appealing to professionals. If you want a true professional who cares about their work to apply for your job, then write it for one. Don't use silly titles and platitudes and pretend the work place is actually going to be like .

An office is an office, and while is pretty cool, what real professionals are interested in is challenge, career / personal development and simply a job they love. (Oh, and some more money might be nice too).

So stop posting such dumb ads and focus more on creating a work place people love to work in (because if you do, people won't leave and they'll bring all their friends and colleagues to work there too).

a tech professional who loves their work.